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Thank God, that we are not orphans! By Dr. Maria Barbosa

Unveiling the Power of a Divine Connection


In the midst of life’s challenges and uncertainties, finding solace in a higher power is a timeless pursuit. As the Psalms wisely proclaim, “The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth” (Psalms 145:18). This article delves into the profound significance of cultivating a relationship with the divine, exploring the transformative power it holds for individuals seeking purpose, strength, and success.

The Power of Surrender

Our journey begins with the acknowledgment of our inherent limitations. As born or reborn as one to embody its nature fully, humans possess a certain amount of natural power. However, this innate strength often falls short on the path to fulfillment. Successful individuals, those who soar at the pinnacle of their professions, unanimously attribute their achievements to a higher force – GOD.

Divine Guidance in Success

In interviews with accomplished individuals, a recurring theme emerges – the source of their power for living is rooted in a personal relationship with GOD. Contrary to conventional narratives, where success is equated with individual prowess, these individuals attest that relying on divine guidance propels them to new heights. It transcends the emptiness of man’s ways and transforms vices into virtues.

Inclusivity of Divine Love

Dispelling common misconceptions, this divine connection is not exclusive to the elite or the morally righteous. GOD extends love to the helpless, the struggling, and even those considered sinners. Regardless of societal labels, everyone is welcome to embrace a relationship with the divine, a source of strength and direction.

Isaiah’s Timeless Wisdom

The biblical wisdom of Isaiah resonates through the ages: “But those who wait on the Lord will find new strength. They will fly high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint” (Isaiah 40:31). This promise is not confined to a select few; it beckons to individuals from all walks of life, offering renewal and empowerment.

The Human Need for Connection

In acknowledging our deep-seated need for connection, we confront societal conditioning that portrays dependence on GOD as a sign of weakness. Contrary to this narrative, we are created with an inherent desire to relate, to find solace in a higher presence. Pride often blinds us to our incapacity to handle life’s challenges independently.

Overcoming the Stigma

The societal stigma around dependence on the divine is a hurdle to acknowledging our vulnerability. However, within each person, a voice whispers the truth – we are loved by GOD, and this love makes us special. Overcoming pride and embracing this connection allows us to navigate life’s complexities with grace and strength.

Confronting the Sin Problem

The pervasive human condition of sin, as articulated in Romans 3:23, creates a separation from GOD and hinders the full expression of success intended for each individual. Acknowledging this truth, akin to King David’s confession in Psalms 51:5, is the first step towards transcending the barriers to a purposeful life.

A Call to Transformation

While recognizing our sinful nature is crucial, the transformative journey doesn’t end there. King David’s plea for cleansing and a pure heart (Psalms 51:2) exemplifies the continuous process of surrender and transformation. GOD offers a path to liberation from guilt and sin, providing the strength needed for a victorious life.

The Serenity Prayer’s Wisdom

Embracing the wisdom encapsulated in the Serenity Prayer – accepting the unchangeable, changing what we can, and discerning between the two – leads to a life guided by divine principles. Positive thoughts, coupled with a surrender to the Lord, pave the way for a godly life filled with success and righteousness.

The Renewing Power of Each Day

As the sun rises, a new opportunity for personal growth emerges. Every day offers a chance to discard the limitations of yesterday and embrace the potential for positive change. While positive thinking is potent, recognizing the need for external help, professional or divine, is a sign of maturity and mental health.


In the journey of life, the choice between relying on natural brainpower and tapping into supernatural power is pivotal. True success lies in being properly related to GOD, drawing strength from a divine connection. So, as you navigate the complexities of existence, remember: each sunrise brings forth a new chance to be the person you aspire to be.

PRAYER by Dr. Barbosa: Father, thank You for the Holy Spirit’s power, which equips me to live righteously. I choose to submit my will to You and to rely on Your strength. When the Enemy tells me I can’t be Saintly, remind me that You will work through me to bring victory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Maria Pinto Barbosa PhD #DrBarbosa
Certified as School Board of Education / PHD-Doctor of Philosophy in Cristian Clinical Counseling
ACCEL-Holistic Life Coach / Founder-Director of ACCEL Educational Leadership
Specialized on Temperaments – Personalities
Pastor Christian Minister Clergy / Bachelor of Theology in Pastoral leadership and Certified EETAD Theology

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Dr Maria Barbosa

Maria Barbosa

Professional background: Entrepreneur for 36 years working in small and big businesses. Property investor and Property manager FSBA Certified as School Board of Education I possess a Diploma for: PHD-Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Clinical Counseling -Recognized by Florida Secretary of the State & Education Department Licensed Clergy Pastor ACCEL-Holistic Life Coach Founder-Director of ACCEL Educational Leadership Specialized on Temperaments – Personalities Bachelor of Theology in Pastoral leadership Certified-Mastering Ecclesiastical Administration Author of ACCEL Educational Leadership Working as a not for profit consultant Coordinator-advisor for Youth I’m an artist and an advocate for my community. & Founder of D.I.V.A.S International & Pass President of Kiwanis Flagler Palm Coast



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