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Discovering Your Authentic Self

A journey to unlock spiritual balance and into the essence of our authentic selves.

In the complex of human existence, understanding our inherent nature and the delicate interplay between body, soul, and spirit is paramount. We are not mere accidental beings; rather, we are spiritual entities intricately designed with a divine order. The spirit, acting as the core of our temperament, finds harmony through the binding force of the heart, creating a unique balance within each individual. This delicate equilibrium is not a random occurrence but a manifestation of God’s precise order.

Unveiling the Depths: Exploring Unconscious Motivations

Delving into the depths of our unconscious motivations is a transformative journey. It is a process that unravels the patterns ingrained in our thinking, feeling, and behaving. By bringing these unconscious behaviors to light, we gain conscious awareness, empowering us with greater control over our actions. The elimination of self-defeating behavior becomes possible, leading to personal growth and improvement.

Divine Gift: Temperaments for Meeting Specific Needs

God, in His infinite wisdom, bestowed upon us unique temperaments to meet our specific needs and desires. These temperaments, intricately linked to the balance of body, soul, and spirit, serve a dual purpose. They guide us towards personal fulfillment while fostering harmony and love among mankind. Happiness, joy, and peace are the fruits of aligning ourselves with these divine temperaments, enabling us to reach our full potential.

The Essence of the Holy Spirit: A Guiding Force

Central to the life of any believer is the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit. The profound truth echoed in John 15:5, “Without me, you can do nothing,” emphasizes our dependency on the Holy Spirit. Filling ourselves with His spirit allows fruitful work, balancing the intricate dance between body, soul, and spirit. The Holy Spirit convicts, empowers, guides, and shapes our journey, a force so vital that evil spirits attempt to counterfeit and confuse its divine work.

Navigating Life’s Turns with Humility

Peter, well-acquainted with adverse circumstances, highlights humility as the key during the “mighty hand of God” moments in our lives (1 Peter 4:6-11). Embracing humility involves acknowledging our belonging to God alone and submitting to His will with quiet acceptance. In this process, we cast our cares onto God, safeguarding ourselves from the devouring hand of Satan. God’s plans supersede the malevolent intentions of adversity, offering abundant grace to strengthen, establish, and settle us on the other side.

Purposeful Living: Inviting God into Decision-Making

God’s desire is for us to acknowledge His guidance in our lives, avoiding the pitfalls of self-directed decisions. Trouble often arises when we neglect to consider our actions and thoughts, leading to self-induced turmoil. The essence of God’s motive in our lives is to see us fulfill His holy calling, providing the tools needed to accomplish our purpose.

Understanding Your Temperament: A Path to Personal Growth

To overflow with strength, it is crucial to understand one’s temperament. This self-awareness sheds light on weaknesses, transforming them into strengths. Additionally, comprehending the temperaments of others fosters love and acceptance, recognizing and appreciating differences. As we live for God, filled with the Holy Spirit, our lives align with His intended fulfillment.

Embracing the Choleric Power

The Choleric temperament, when transformed by God’s grace, exhibits strengths in inclusion, control, and affection. Openness, confidence, and task-oriented efficiency characterize the inclusion strengths. Control strengths manifest in leadership abilities and intuitive decision-making, while affection strengths reveal openness and expressiveness in deep relationships. The Choleric, under Christ’s guidance, becomes a dynamic force for good.

Melancholic Truth: Unveiling God’s Purpose

The Melancholic temperament, with the Holy Spirit’s help, shifts from introspection to outward focus. Inclusion strengths encompass introversion and creative thinking, while control strengths showcase decision-making and leadership in known areas. Affection strengths bring forth loyalty and deep commitment. Rising to strengths, the Melancholic becomes a force for positive change.

Phlegmatic Peace: A Tranquil Transformation

The Phlegmatic temperament, filled with the Holy Spirit, experiences a shift from stubbornness to open-mindedness. Inclusion strengths include practicality and efficiency, control strengths involve peace-loving tendencies, and affection strengths exhibit a balanced and easygoing nature. The Phlegmatic, a stable temperament, becomes a peacemaker and efficient task performer under Christ’s influence.

Sanguine Love: A Joyful Metamorphosis

The Spirit-filled Sanguine undergoes a remarkable change, radiating joy, compassion, and self-control. Inclusion strengths encompass friendliness and enthusiasm, control strengths involve decision-making with minimal control over others, and affection strengths reveal warmth and emotional openness. A disciplined and motivated Sanguine becomes a charismatic servant of Jesus Christ.

Supine Life: Serving with a Gentle Spirit

The Spirit-filled Supine embraces a life of service with a gentle, loyal, and relationship-oriented spirit. Inclusion strengths include a capacity for service and liking people, control strengths involve dependability, and affection strengths showcase emotional responsiveness. Living in the strengths of their temperament, the Supine becomes a devoted servant under Christ’s control.

Exemplary Temperaments: Following the Footsteps of Jesus

In Jesus Christ, we find the epitome of each temperament’s perfect characteristics. While natural temperament remains unchanged, being filled with the Holy Spirit amplifies strengths and diminishes weaknesses. As believers, our journey involves aligning ourselves with God’s divine order, allowing our spirits to be guided by His wisdom.

Spiritual Growth: A Source of Strength

True spiritual growth stems from the Holy Spirit’s promptings within us. These promptings, transcending cultural, racial, and socioeconomic boundaries, form the foundation of our testimony. It is through the Spirit’s guidance that we attain unwavering certainty, irrespective of external influences. As we heed the Spirit’s voice, a calm assurance becomes the source of our conviction, shaping our testimony with divine authenticity.

In conclusion, unlocking spiritual balance involves understanding our temperaments, inviting the Holy Spirit into our lives, and embracing the transformative journey toward personal growth. As we align ourselves with God’s order, His grace strengthens our weaknesses, leading to a life filled with purpose, love, and fulfillment.

By Dr. Maria Pinto Barbosa #DrBarbosa WhatsApp (386)206-6325
Certified as School Board of Education / PHD-Doctor of Philosophy in Cristian Clinical Counseling
ACCEL-Holistic Life Coach / Founder-Director of ACCEL Educational Leadership
Specialized on Temperaments – Personalities
Pastor Christian Minister Clergy / Bachelor of Theology in Pastoral leadership and Certified EETAD Theology

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Dr Maria Barbosa

Maria Barbosa

Professional background: Entrepreneur for 36 years working in small and big businesses. Property investor and Property manager FSBA Certified as School Board of Education I possess a Diploma for: PHD-Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Clinical Counseling -Recognized by Florida Secretary of the State & Education Department Licensed Clergy Pastor ACCEL-Holistic Life Coach Founder-Director of ACCEL Educational Leadership Specialized on Temperaments – Personalities Bachelor of Theology in Pastoral leadership Certified-Mastering Ecclesiastical Administration Author of ACCEL Educational Leadership Working as a not for profit consultant Coordinator-advisor for Youth I’m an artist and an advocate for my community. & Founder of D.I.V.A.S International & Pass President of Kiwanis Flagler Palm Coast



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