, It’s important to remember that emotions can be complex, and negative thoughts about yourself can sometimes be misleading. self-healing is a powerful process that can lead to a profound transformation in your life.
By addressing your distress at their core, individuals can experience significant improvements in both their physical and emotional well-being.
A Terapia Holística Get-Up-and-Go é uma abordagem eficaz para superar a dor emocional em busca da paz interna. Ao compreender a conexão mente-corpo, contornar a mente consciente e praticar técnicas holísticas, os indivíduos podem liberar emoções presas, abrindo caminho para uma cura transformadora. Essa abordagem trata de abordar as causas raiz do sofrimento para um bem-estar duradouro. Por Dra. Maria Pinto Barbosa
Dr. Maria Barbosa Certified School Board Member of Education
Flagler School Board recognizes District and school achievements, events and initiatives during Special Spotlights Presentations. Here are few pictures from 2016 to 2020 Spotlights.
Dr. Maria Barbosa – Flagler School Board Member of Education for District 5, Present the winners of 5 Gold Stars Award Certificate for Flagler School 2019-2020 year to…
ACCEL Theology Educational Ministries; in Christian education for… Pastor Clergy or adults seeking advanced studies integrate their Christian life.