Christopher Calderon – Sales Marketing / Chick-Fil-A Palm Coast
Dr. Maria Barbosa – Flagler School Board Member of Education for District 5, Present the winners of 5 Gold Stars Award Certificate for Flagler School 2019-2020 year, to:
July 2019 Nominee, went to:
Superintendent Mr. James Tager – For outstanding leadership to achieving “A Rated District Schools” this only was possible because everyone works for Flagler Schools, have passion for Flagler students.
August 2019
- Theresa Altman – Belle Terre Elementary School: For investing in the classroom and creating a positive learning environment for all students.
- Pr. Jearlyn Dennie – 6th Annual Back to School Event, we extend our sincerest gratitude and appreciation for all the Jearlyn Ministries volunteers for giving back to your community by helping families in need.
- Flagler County School District Technology Team: I would like to express my gratitude for your dedication, service, and assistance to Flagler School District & schools technology departments and safety.
- Bob Robert Bossardet – Principal of BTMS: Thank you for always being encouraging, motivating, and supportive to all BTMS students. Grateful for going above and beyond with all your efforts in helping BTMS. You rock!
- David Freeman- Director of Plant Services: I would like to express my gratitude for your dedication, service, and assistance to all Flagler School District projects. We are proud to have you on our team.
- LaShack Moore – Principal of RES: I would like to express my gratitude for your dedication, service, and assistance with Flagler residents who use your school as hurricane Dorian shelter. Grateful for going above and beyond with all your efforts in helping RES. Thank you!
- Nicole Chavannes Parris: FCS Transportation-Secretary. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of parents and students. Thank You!
- Danielle Anderson – Reporter & Journalist for News Journal: I would like to express my gratitude for your dedication and service to Flagler County Community. If the world had more people like you it would be a better place. You do make a difference. Thank You!
- Diane Dyer & Teaching–Learning Department Team. I like to express my gratitude for your dedication and service to Flagler School District. I’m grateful for you to go above and beyond with all your efforts in helping students to succeed.
- Anthony Wild & Kids Rock The Nation Team. I like to express my gratitude for your dedication and service to Flagler School Students, by giving many guitars to youth ad sharing your passion for music. I’m grateful for you to go above and beyond with all your efforts in helping students to succeed. You rock!
October 2019
- Angela Creasy-WES Teacher: Thank you for bringing out the best in your students and for providing an excellent learning environment for WES students. Your outstanding service and commitment to the students shows in the work you do. Thank you for making a difference in students’ lives!
- MHS Leo Club: I like to express my gratitude to Leo Club members for your dedication, service, and assistance to Flagler community. Thank you for volunteering at Creekside Festival October 12-13-2019
- Katrina Feola – BTES Assistant-Principal: Thank you for bringing out the best in BTES students, administrators and teachers by engaging and supporting Pink Army 5K at Advent Health Palm Coast October 13, 2019. You all help promote breast cancer awareness. You all rock!
- Fred Hackney – Hackney Associates: Thank you for investing your time and resources in helping Portuguese American Cultural Center-PACC Annual Scholarship Golf Tournament. Thank you for making a difference in the lives of many students of Flagler County. Thank you for your support!
- R.D. Davis – BTMS Ag. Teacher: Thank you for inspiring BTMS students to learn many different programs and involvement with multi other projects and assistance that you provided to your school.
- Canna Jo Mittelman – BTMS Culinary & Health Science Teacher: Please accept my heartfelt appreciation for the care you give to the students at BTMS. Your outstanding service and commitment to the students shows in the work you do. Thank you!
November 2019
- Christopher Calderon – Sales Marketing @ Chick-Fil-A Palm Coast: I like to express my gratitude for your support to Flagler School Students and teachers, by giving food to many school functions, including the winner prizes for Kiwanis SLP’s school clubs Holiday ornament contest. Thank you for helping the project.
- Andrew Medearis – FPC Flagler I3 Academy Teacher: Thank you for your outstanding service and commitment to the Flagler I3 Academy students, shows in the work you do. Thank you for making a difference in students’ lives!
- Ms. Smith – FPC administrator: I’m grateful for you to go above and beyond with all your efforts in helping every person and students who comes to FPC high school. You rock!
- Janet McDonald- School Board of Education: I like to express my gratitude for your dedication, inspiring others to do their best. Thank you helping Flagler Schools to succeed and for your leadership you gave to Flagler School District. You make a positive difference by bringing new and old information.
- Robert Barrow & Team of Sunshine State Heating and Air Conditioning: I would like to express my gratitude for your dedication and service to Flagler County Community. I’m grateful for you and your team to go above and beyond with all your efforts in volunteering at multi events.
December 2019
- Liz Binkley- Flagler School District Executive Secretary: Please accept my heartfelt appreciation for the care you give to everyone who reach you. Your outstanding service and commitment to Flagler Schools, shows in the work you do. You are the best!
- Women United Flagler- & Membership: I would like to express my gratitude for your dedication and service to Flagler County Community and Flagler Schools. I’m thankful to you all to go above and beyond with all your efforts in helping students’ initiatives projects. You all rock!
- Shelley Wheeler – Flagler County Education Foundation Operations & Database Specialist: I would like to express my gratitude for your dedication and service to Flagler Schools and for your outstanding service and commitment to the organization. Thank you!
- The Rotary Club of Flagler County & All Membership: I appreciate the passion and dedication you all have for the children of Flagler County by bringing Fantasy Lights to Palm Coast Town Center and multi other events. Thank you!
- Master Sergeant Halland & FPC High School JROTC Members: I thank you for always inspiring and pushing students to try their best special with JROTC Members. I appreciate the dedication and hard work you & all JROTC members have by participating in multi community events, beach cleaning up and school events.
January 2020
- Ellen Asher- Old King Elementary School Teacher: Thank you for bringing out the best in your students and for providing an excellent learning environment for OKES students. Thank you for making a difference in students’ lives!
- Eric Guerreno- MHS Basketball Girls Coach: Thank you for coaching MHS Basketball Girls athletics students and for providing an excellent training environment. You are doing amazing job!
- Jens Oliva- MHS Band Director: I Thank you for always inspiring and pushing students to try their best special with music performance and arts. Thanks for investing in your classroom and creating a positive learning environment for students. Thank you!
- Steve DeAugustine- Athletics Director of FPC High School: Thank you for bringing out the best in FPCHS students and for providing an excellent training environment for FPC Hight School Bulldog athletics students.
- Heidi Alves- Flagler Schools Teaching and Learning Specialist: I would like to express my gratitude for the dedication, service and assistance that you provided to Flagler Schools staff, teachers, students and Flagler County community. Thank you!
February 2020
- Quantum Electrical Contractors Inc. / Joseph Wright & Team: Thank you for your services, support and financial assistance that you provided to Flagler Schools students and Flagler Education Foundation.
- The Flagler Women’s Club/Member: I would like to express my gratitude for your dedication and support to Flagler County Schools Students and Flagler Community.
- Joe Rossheim/U-Name-It Apparel & Graphics: I would like to express my gratitude for the financial assistance you provided to Flagler County Students and Flagler Education Foundation. Thank you for your support!
- Rachael Potter/ WES Students: Please accept my heartfelt appreciation for the care you give to employees at Wadsworth Elementary School. “Special to Mr. Vincenzo Perrone”. I’m grateful for you to go above and beyond with all your efforts in building character of kindness in your students. You rock!
- Karen Hanson- MHS Teacher: Please accept my heartfelt appreciation and thanks for making a difference in the lives of students, “Special A……”. You always being encouraging, motivating, and supportive to all students of MHS. I appreciate the passion you have. You Rock!
March 2020
- Angie Bush -Food Director My heart goes to you! Thank you for your leadership by preparing and feeding many students at schools COVID19 lockdown.
April 2020
- Ryan Deising, Michael Cerda, Domenic DiGeronimo, Kristin Harrington, Amy Kopach, Maria McGovern, Teresa Phillips, Elsie Stinton for connecting all Flagler schools to virtual learning at COVID19 lockdown.
May 19, 2020
- FPC High school student board member Shelcey Garcia: for investing your time as Board Student Representative of 2019-2020.
- MHS student board member Hunter Perez: for investing your time as Board Student Representative of 2019-2020.
- David Bossardet-Risk Manager & Safety Specialist: I’m grateful, for you to go above and beyond with all your efforts in helping the negotiations of Interlocal agreement with Flagler County Sheriff, safety protocols, collective bargaining with agreements and contracts. Thank you for your support and dedication!
(I don’t have all the winners picture, if you like to include your picture. Please email the picture to me holding the 5 Gold Stars Award certificate. Thanks)

(I don’t have all the winners picture, if you like to include your picture. Please email the picture to me holding the 5 Gold Stars Award certificate. Thanks)
#fivegoldstars #5GoldStars #certificates #awards #ceremony #flagler #FlaglerBeach #FlaglerCounty #palmcoast #bunnell #hammockbeach #beverlybeach #FPCHighSchool #FlaglerSchools #MHSpirates #BTMSeagles #FlaglerTechnicalInstitute #ITMSmustangs #BTESbobcats #WESpanthers #BESBullpups #OKESOwls # RESRoadrunners #iFlagler #flaglerauditorium #winner #win #thankyou #appreciation #grateful #community #schools #classrooms #education # volunteer #men #women #teachers #students #dedication #honoring #committee #providing #leadership #giveback #program #project #communications #BusDrivers #work #partners #services #investing #annual #important #determination #florida #american #makingdifference #inspiring #expertise #members #mentors #life #expertise #advisorycouncil #problemsolvers #motivating #encouraging #support #specialist #flagship #foundation #books #MariaBarbosa #drmariabarbosa #MariaBarbosaNews #MariaBarbosaFlaglerSchoolBoardMemberDistrict5
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