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Dr. Maria Barbosa-FPC Kiwanis President yr2019-2020 Highlights

Terrific Kids & Bug Awards Program

Flagler Palm Coast Kiwanis Club, year 2019-2020, Here are few highlights of programs & projects were done under Dr. Maria Barbosa president, Board members & entire FPC Kiwanis Club membership was involved as well.  Volunteering and its Surprising Benefits. Volunteering can help you make friends, learn new skills, advance your career, and even feel happier and healthier. You are doing good for students and the community, which provides a natural sense of accomplishment. Your role as a volunteer can also give you a sense of pride and identity. For more information or be part of this amazing organization, you can reach me at or visit Facebook: Kiwanis Flagler Palm Coast & Twitter @fpckiwanisclub website

The books that are being gifted to 75 Summer Reading Students
Here is the photo of the books that are being gifted to 75 Summer Reading Students – They were able to virtually select from cover photos and guidance from teachers 10 books, and the staff was able to honor 6 first choices and balance with 4 ‘likely next best’ books…all packaged in sticker decorated bags …they will be receiving them next week.  “This year because covid19, the book distribution been heddle little different than years past.”

A thank you note and a request to the School Board members:

I wanted to take a moment to THANK YOU for opening the Summer Reading Camp to in person for these two weeks. My son learns best in person and has come home from the bus the last three days with the biggest smile on his face. He has thoroughly enjoyed in person learning and has made such a difference in his mental health. I would also like to ask you to please vote to open the schools on August 10th. Our son, Jack, is making progress in the Summer Reading Camp and feel going back to school without a gap in time will further enhance the efforts he is currently putting in. Kids like mine need the social aspect and in person teaching that only brick and mortar schools provide. Thank you for your time and consideration. J. F.

Note from Kiwanis FPC Treasure and School board member:

Thank you, Ms. F., for taking the time to share your enthusiasm for your son’s progress and his best learning mode.  Dr. Barbosa and I are also members of Flagler Palm Coast Kiwanis Club, and our club is dedicated to providing a Library of My Own for each Reading Camp participant upon their successful completion.  I hope you, your son and any other family members & friends enjoy those books and trips to the public library until school resumes!  Your encouragement of his continued reading development at home is critical for his success for every school year to come and beyond!  I’d appreciate hearing your thoughts about the books your son receives, so I can share it with my fellow Kiwanis members, as we were not able to be with the students when they selected and received their books due to our corona experience. Thank you for your educational collaboration with FS and our wonderful teachers! All Best, Janet

Reply from J.F.

Thank you for your reply Janet. The books we received from Kiwanis Flagler Palm Coast Club was a wonderful surprise ending to the summer camp. The selection our son could choose from was incredible and receiving them was a true gift. Even a hard cover Dog Man book!! Jack could barely wait to start reading that one. While his brother was very excited for the Fly Guy books. Thank you! Our county’s Kiwanis Club goes over the top for the children in our community, I am truly grateful to be on the receiving end. Thank you for continuing to support our community’s kids’ education experiences during this summer. I’m sure all the receiving kids’ faces lit up with excitement seeing their bag full of beautiful brand-new shiny books! Thanks again, J.F.

Yr2019-2020 many improvements been done at Kiwanis RV Compound Foundation, from cleaning up to add new fences and restructured a new committee board.     

All organizations cycle through membership leadership roles.  That is healthy!  Jack Barbosa volunteered knowing what was involved and at a time when it is critical that someone who sees what needs to be done has stepped up to oversee it!  Jack is a doer and that is the kind of leadership Kiwanis needs right now at the Compound.  The committee to give feedback that is helpful.  The condition of the property has been improving daily since May, after it having not been adequately addressed by former Kiwanis RV storage compound managers. By fostering relationships with renters and their collaboration has been evident in their follow through. At this time the compound is full at capacity. Thank you for investing your time in FPC Kiwanis in order to serve the community in many ways through this income stream! Kiwanis FPC total budget been exceeded over $100,000

Here are some of the highlights of the year:

Volunteer Spirit Award been presented to: named from the right to the left, Kiwanis RV Compound chairperson -Jack Barbosa, MHS Kiwanis Xmas basketball tournament chairperson-Al Jennings, Adopt a Road Chairperson-Bill Klinkenberg, Membership Chairperson-Pr. Jearlyn Dennie, President-Dr. Maria Barbosa, High school Seniors of the month Awards Chairperson-Frank Consentino, Chow-now food project chairperson Tony Andrade, Wducation Luncheon & Teachers of the Year night-Linda Millican, Bylaws and policies chairperson-Jeff Green, Volunteer to multi projects-John Sauier and Special Civic Grants & Special Community Grants chairperson-Mike Elroy and others couldn’t be present at the event. Congratulations! to you all for taking the time and have the passion to serve. Thank you for lead a Kiwanis chair committee, with out you the job couldn’t be done. You all Rock
I can’t say “thank you” enough to express how grateful I am for you all coming into my life. You have made such a huge impact on my life and Kiwanis Organization. Kiwanis Foundation would not be successful with out you. I know that you will keep inspiring others to take a leadership position.

From left to right Dr. Maria P Barbosa present to Mr. Frank Consentino the award of Kiwanis Committee for been the Kiwanis Board members lesion of Kiwanis RV Storage Compound Foundation for multi years.
Mrs. Janet McDonald with Treasure Distinguished Award plaque for her dedication and service.
Rev. Paul Myers Jr.: 92-year-old named ‘Kiwanian of the Year’ The Rev. Paul Myers Jr. can list a number of credentials on his resume, and as he approaches his 93rd birthday on Oct. 7, you know he’s earned every single one of them. With nearly 30 years in the ministry. For his tremendous support and service for his community.
Distinguished service award to President Elect Lisa Schulten
Distinguished Service Award to incoming President Mary O’Gara for her dedication of 3 years as the club secretary and involvement with many different projects. Thank you for your service and dedication on all you do.

I’m very grateful to Kiwanis family for honoring me with George Hixon Award presented by award chairman Frank Consentino, in behalf of Kiwanis members of Flagler Palm Coast kiwanis Club presents George Hixson Fellowship to Dr. Maria Barbosa for her significant contribution and passion to Kiwanis, she became the 24th member of our club to join the ranks of the George Xison Fellowship. 9-7-20
Kiwanis international Foundation established the Hixon Fellowship in 1983 honor George Xison, the first President if Kiwanis international, and to fund the kiwanis international Children’s Fund, which supports the needs of children and kiwanis family. Kiwanians reach children near and far often in ways that would otherwise remain beyond club and district resources. 

Flagler Palm Coast Kiwanis Club, Flagler, Florida -2019-2020 few highlights of programs & projects were done under Dr. Maria Barbosa president & entire FPC Kiwanis Club membership was involved as well.  To see all 12 pages click at the arrow.

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Dr Maria Barbosa

Maria Barbosa

Professional background: Entrepreneur for 36 years working in small and big businesses. Property investor and Property manager FSBA Certified as School Board of Education I possess a Diploma for: PHD-Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Clinical Counseling -Recognized by Florida Secretary of the State & Education Department Licensed Clergy Pastor ACCEL-Holistic Life Coach Founder-Director of ACCEL Educational Leadership Specialized on Temperaments – Personalities Bachelor of Theology in Pastoral leadership Certified-Mastering Ecclesiastical Administration Author of ACCEL Educational Leadership Working as a not for profit consultant Coordinator-advisor for Youth I’m an artist and an advocate for my community. & Founder of D.I.V.A.S International & Pass President of Kiwanis Flagler Palm Coast



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