Nuestras mentes son susceptibles a sesgos cognitivos y patrones de pensamiento negativos que amplifican nuestros miedos. Autocríticas y creencias absolutas sobre nuestro valor pueden crear un terreno fértil para el miedo. Eventos negativos, ya sea directa o indirectamente relacionados con nosotros, pueden alimentar pensamientos de indignidad, intensificando nuestra lucha para enfrentar y gestionar el miedo de manera efectiva. por Dra. Maria Barbosa
Traumatic experiences, especially during childhood, can leave lasting emotional scars that contribute to a heightened fear consciousness. The impact of these hidden marks often goes unnoticed, leading individuals to grapple with fear without fully understanding its origins. Addressing and acknowledging these scars is paramount for breaking free from the shackles of fear. By Dr. Maria Barbosa
Love is not merely an expression but is validated through daily acts of kindness and consideration. Successful couples understand that love manifests in the day-to-day events, from lending a tolerant ear to offering a helping hand. The key lies in submitting to one another, enjoying shared activities, and embracing the hard work that goes into being romantic. By Dr. Maria Barbosa
By embracing the diverse temperaments and acknowledging the interconnectedness of self, God, and power, we embark on a transformative journey towards enlightenment and fulfillment. By Dr. Mara Barbosa
Homens e mulheres têm o poder de escolher sua dieta mental, decidindo quais pensamentos e informações consumir. A mente, por sua vez, influencia as emoções, destacando a importância de estar consciente do que alimentamos nossas mentes para promover um estado emocional saudável. By Dra. Maria Barbosa
The correlation between temperament weaknesses and strengths is explored, presenting a framework for understanding how God’s spirit can replace negative traits with positive ones. By Dr. Maria Barbosa
La correlación entre las debilidades y fortalezas del temperamento se explora, presentando un marco para entender cómo el espíritu de Dios puede reemplazar rasgos negativos con positivos. By Dr. Maria Barbosa